Healthy / active movement patterns, Character Development, Positive Attitude, Increased Attention Span, Increased Social Behaviour, Self Belief, Personal Skill Development, Life Long Learning and Social Acceptance.


1. Karate represents a recreational past-time and sporting activity for all.

2. Karate fosters, develops and enhances personal achievement and intrinsic gain.

3. Karate openly recruits high numbers of multi-gender participants.

4. Karate openly recruits high numbers of multi-ethnicity participants.

5. Karate offers a strategic and popular form of social inclusion.

6. Karate offers a strategic and popular form of self defence, and is frequently seen as a form of anti-bullying.

7. The ease of access which karate has, is continually creating stronger and safer communities.

8. Karate offers a genuine opportunity to show an alternative `way of life`.


Whereas in most sporting activities, you reach a peak and then start fading, with karate you never stop learning, developing and improving.

Pennine Shotokan Karate: is a members club. Therefore, all the fees paid by its members are used for the running of the club and for the benefit of its members.


What You Get

1, Professional Instruction
2, a Karate suit Free
3, your first years Licence Free
4, Inclusive insurance Free
5, reduced fee's for visiting international instructors
6, reduced fee's for cometition entries
7, reduced fee's for special courses



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